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SEAL Print Client

SEAL Print Client is the Web interface of SEAL Operator for generating output jobs and displaying their states.

SEAL Print Client

Supported Web Browsers

The current versions of the following Web browsers are supported:

  • Internet Explorer as of version 11 (on Windows)

  • Microsoft Edge (on Windows)

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Google Chrome

Open SEAL Print Client

For opening the user interface, SEAL Print Client, enter the following address into a Web browser:


For logging on to the user interface, use your user and password provided by your OIDC identity provider.

Hint - Keycloak from SEAL Systems

If you are using the Keycloak identity provider installation from SEAL Systems, you find the users and passwords preinstalled in this installation in the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation.

Customize SEAL Print Client

For more information about how to customize the user interface or how to configure the panel in the user interface, refer to User Interface Configuration.

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