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Add a Checkbox

Checkboxes can be used for switching on or off a setting, for example, for switching on or off a flagpage.

For general information about how to customize the PLOSSYS 4 panel, refer to Customize the Panel

Checkbox in panel

This is how you add a checkbox to the panel:

  1. Unless done, prepare customized panel configuration files panel-<customer_name>.json and settings-<customer_name>.json. For more information, refer to Customize the Panel.

  2. In both customized panel configuration files, add the checkbox into the properties list and specify the attributes of the checkbox, for example, the language-dependent label of the checkbox:

    Example - checkbox for the flagpage

        "properties": {
          "PLS_FLAGPAGE": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": {
              "de": "Randbeschriftung",
              "en": "Flagpage"
            "default": true

    Hint - Y and N

    The PLOSSYS netdome (P4) connector maps any boolean value, for example, true, 1 or NO, to Y or N accordingly and passes this to PLOSSYS netdome.

  3. In both customized panel configuration files, add the checkbox to the fieldsets at the place where you want to have it in the panel:


        "fieldsets": {
          "fields": {
  4. Restart the following services:

    • seal-operator-p4

    • seal-operator-server

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