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Administrate the System Configuration

The configuration of SEAL Operator is kept in the Consul key value store and can be administrated by SEAL Operator CLI.


Secured Consul Key Value Store

If the Consul key value store has been secured by a token, specify the --token <consul_token> option. By default, no token is used.

operator config <command> --token <consul_token>

Example - export the configuration from a secured Consul key value store

operator config export <filename>.yml --token <consul_token>

For more information about the token, refer to CONSUL_TOKEN.

Self-Signed Certificates

Specifying the --insecure option, you avoid that the certificate will be checked by the client.

operator config <command> --insecure


Import the Configuration into a Running System

operator config import <filename>.yml

Delete the Consul Key Value Store and Import the Configuration

operator config import <filename>.yml --purge

Export the Configuration to a File

operator config export <filename>.yml

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