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Import CSV Files

Manually Via Drag&Drop

In SEAL Print Client, drag&drop the CSV file to the list panel (My Lists) or any PLOSSYS panel.

Content of the CSV File

The first line of the CSV file should contain the key names whereby the following rules apply:

Key Description List name displayed in the user interface
list.metadata.<item> Any metadata items of the list
item.href Hypertext reference for a list item Metadata item name displayed in the user interface
item.metadata.<list_item> Any metadata items of a list item

Hint - minimum keys and separator

  • At least, the, item.href and keys should be specified!

  • Only , (comma) is supported as separator.

Example of a CSV File

Example - CSV file,item.href,,item.metadata.Color,item.metadata.Printer,item.metadata.Copies
Karl Martell,/v1/services/operator-fileupload/repo/1d431501-f5e3-480b-8ad2-bc31a09338f8,,color,Hugo,1
Karl Martell,,,gray,hpm402,2
Karl Martell,,,color,pdfout,3

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