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The key value store of Consul administrates the SEAL Operator configuration.

You can change the key via the Consul Web interface, refer to Consul, or via SEAL Operator CLI, refer to Administrate the System Configuration.

Values with time specifications are specified in the following time units:

  • seconds (s, sec)

  • minutes (m, min)

  • hours (h, hr)

  • days (d)

  • weeks (w, wk)

  • months

  • years (y, yr)

Example - with time units

2 hours and 30 minutes: 2h30m

4 minutes and 2 seconds: 4m2s


ACTION_EXECUTOR specifies the backend system.

The key is available for the seal-operator-dpf, seal-operator-p4, seal-operator-p5 and the seal-preprocess services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-dpf/tag/any/ACTION_EXECUTOR
  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/ACTION_EXECUTOR
  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p5/tag/any/ACTION_EXECUTOR
  • dc/home/env/service/preprocess/tag/any/ACTION_EXECUTOR

Available values: String



  • DPF

    Digital Paper Factory

  • MOCK

    Only simulation

  • P4

    PLOSSYS netdome system

  • P5

    PLOSSYS 5 system

Default: MOCK


API_BASE_URL specifies the URL of the server API.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/API_BASE_URL

Available values: String

  • <api_base_url>

Default: https://api:3008


API_VERSION specifies the version of the server API.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/API_VERSION

Available values: String

  • <api_version>

Default: v1


APW_URL specifies the URL of the APW REST server.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/APW_URL

Available values: String

  • <apw_url>

Default: https://localhost:8443


AUTH_CLIENT_ID specifies the client name configured in the OIDC identity provider for retrieving the access token.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/AUTH_CLIENT_ID for all services
  • dc/home/env/service/<service>/tag/any/AUTH_CLIENT_ID for the specific <service> service

Available values: String

  • <client_id>


  • seal-print-client for the user interface
  • operator for all other services


AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET specifies the client secret for retrieving the OIDC identity provider's access token.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET for all services
  • dc/home/env/service/<service>/tag/any/AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET for the specific <service> service

Available values: String

  • <client_secret>

Default: not revealed


AUTH_CLOCK_TOLERANCE specifies the number of seconds allowed as time difference between the OAuth provider and client.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/AUTH_CLOCK_TOLERANCE

Available values: String

  • <number_seconds>

Default: 5


AUTH_DEFAULT_SESSION_DURATION specifies the duration of the default session in seconds if the OAuth provider does not expose the refresh_expires_in parameter in the token. Keycloak provides this parameter.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/AUTH_DEFAULT_SESSION_DURATION

Available values: String

  • <number_seconds>

Default: 180


AUTH_ISSUER_URL specifies the OIDC issuer URL. This URL points to Keycloak for example. For more information about Keycloak used with SEAL Systems products, refer to the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui and the seal-operator-server services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/AUTH_ISSUER_URL

Available values: String

  • <oidc_issuer_url>

Default: https://localhost:32769/auth/realms/SEAL


AUTH_REFRESH_TOLERANCE specifies the number of seconds after which a token will be refreshed when it is about to expire.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/AUTH_REFRESH_TOLERANCE

Available values: String

  • <number_seconds>

Default: 5


AUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT specifies the URL of the token endpoint.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p5, the seal-operator-p4 and the seal-operator-dpf services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-dpf/tag/any/AUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT
  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/AUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT
  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p5/tag/any/AUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT

Available values: String

  • <auth_token_endpoint>

Default: The default is evaluated by the OpenID configuration path.


AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES specifies the languages provided to the user in the user interface. With the same name, a language file has to exist in the C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-operator-ui\dist\assets\i18n directory. Multiple languages are separated by comma.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES

Available values: String

  • <lang1>,<lang2> ... <langx>

Default: de,en


CHECK_DOC_NAMES specifies if entries with the same name are allowed in 'My Documents'.

The key is available for the seal-operator-fileupload service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-fileupload/tag/any/CHECK_DOC_NAMES

Available values: Boolean

  • Y

    The entries have to have different names. (<n>) is appended to duplicate entries.

  • N

    Duplicate entries are allowed.

Default: Y


CONNECTOR_FILE_NAME specifies the path and the name of the YAML file containing the configuration of the connectors if SEAL Operator is running in a cloud environment.

Example - connector file

      cstatus: 'on'
      serviceName: operator-p4
      url: 'https://operator-p4:3000'
      cstatus: 'on'
      serviceName: operator-fileupload
      url: 'https://operator-fileupload:3000'

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/CONNECTOR_FILE_NAME

Available values: String

  • <config_file>

Default: /config/connector.yml


CONSUL_TOKEN specifies the ACL token with which the SEAL Operator services authenticate themselves to Consul.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/CONSUL_TOKEN

Available values: String

  • <token>

Default: none


CONSUL_URL specifies the address of the Consul server to which the SEAL Operator services log on.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/CONSUL_URL

Available values: String

  • consul_url

Default: https://localhost:8500


CREATE_PREVIEW specifies if previews are created for the documents in 'My Documents'.

The key is available for the seal-operator-fileupload service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-fileupload/tag/any/CREATE_PREVIEW

Available values: Boolean

  • Y

    Previews are created.

  • N

    No previews are created.

Default: Y


CS_TYPE specifies the used credential store type.

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/CS_TYPE

Available values: String

  • none

    No credential store

  • mock

    Only simulation

  • mongo

    Store credentials in MongoDB

Default: mongo


DEFAULT_DPF_SCHEMA specifies the path to the JSON schema file containing the configuration of the DPF connector.

The key is available for the seal-operator-dpf service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-dpf/tag/any/DEFAULT_DPF_SCHEMA

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: <dpf_connector_install_dir>/lib/defaultConfig/schema.json


DEFAULT_FILEUPLOAD_PANEL specifies the path to the JSON schema file containing the configuration of the panel.

The key is available for the seal-operator-fileupload service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-fileupload/tag/any/DEFAULT_FILEUPLOAD_PANEL

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: <fileupload_connector_install_dir>/lib/defaultConfig/panel.json


DEFAULT_FILEUPLOAD_SCHEMA specifies the path to the JSON schema file containing the configuration of the My Documents connector.

The key is available for the seal-operator-fileupload service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-fileupload/tag/any/DEFAULT_FILEUPLOAD_SCHEMA

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: <fileupload_connector_install_dir>/lib/defaultConfig/settings.json


DEFAULT_P4_PANEL specifies the path to the JSON schema file containing the configuration of the panel.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/DEFAULT_P4_PANEL

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: <p4_connector_install_dir>/lib/defaultConfig/panel.json


DEFAULT_P4_SCHEMA specifies the path to the JSON schema file containing the configuration of the PLOSSYS netdome connector.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/DEFAULT_P4_SCHEMA

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: <p4_connector_install_dir>/lib/defaultConfig/settings.json


DEFAULT_P5_PANEL specifies the path to the JSON schema file containing the configuration of the panel.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p5 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p5/tag/any/DEFAULT_P5_PANEL

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: <p5_connector_install_dir>/lib/defaultConfig/panel.json


DEFAULT_P5_SCHEMA specifies the path to the JSON schema file containing the configuration of the PLOSSYS 5 connector.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p5 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p5/tag/any/DEFAULT_P5_SCHEMA

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: <p5_connector_install_dir>/lib/defaultConfig/settings.json


DEFAULT_PANEL specifies the type of the panel that is opened when opening the user interface and no panel yet exists.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/DEFAULT_PANEL

Available values: String

  • <panel_type> e. g. operator-p4, operator-p5, operator-dpf

Default: none


DEFAULT_SAP_PANEL specifies the path to the JSON schema file containing the configuration of the panel.

The key is available for the seal-operator-sap service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-sap/tag/any/DEFAULT_SAP_PANEL

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: <sap_connector_install_dir>/lib/defaultConfig/panel.json


DEFAULT_SAP_SCHEMA specifies the path to the JSON schema file containing the the configuration of the SAP connector.

The key is available for the seal-operator-sap service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-sap/tag/any/DEFAULT_SAP_SCHEMA

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: <sap_connector_install_dir>/lib/defaultConfig/settings.json


DISABLE_ADD_PANEL specifes if the Add Panel button is available in the menu on the left.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/DISABLE_ADD_PANEL

Available values: Boolean

  • true

    The Add Panel button is hidden.

  • false

    The Add Panel button is shown.

Default: false


DISABLE_MY_LISTS_ACCESS specifes if the My Lists list is available in the menu on the left.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/DISABLE_MY_LISTS_ACCESS

Available values: Boolean

  • true

    The My Lists list is hidden.

  • false

    The My Lists list is shown.

Default: false


DISABLE_LATEST_TASKS specifes if the list containing the latest tasks is available in the menu on the left.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/DISABLE_LATEST_TASKS

Available values: Boolean

  • true

The last tasks list is hidden.

  • false

The last tasks list is shown.

Default: false


DISABLE_TASK_NOTIFICATIONS specifes if the task notification item is available in the menu on the left.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/DISABLE_TASK_NOTIFICATIONS

Available values: Boolean

  • true

    The task notification item is hidden.

  • false

    The task notification item is shown.

Default: false


DPF_URL specifies the URL for the REST calls for DPF.

The key is available for the seal-operator-dpf service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-dpf/tag/any/DPF_URL

Available values: String

  • dpf_rest_url

Default: https://localhost:9126/rest/dpf


HOUSEKEEPER_INTERVAL specifies the time interval after which the seal-operator-fileupload service looks for obsolete documents in the My Documents panel.

The key is available for the seal-operator-fileupload service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-fileupload/tag/any/HOUSEKEEPER_INTERVAL

Available values: String

  • <time_interval>

Default: 1h


HOUSEKEEPER_SWEEP_AGE specifies the minimum age of documents to be deleted from the My Documents panel.

The key is available for the seal-operator-fileupload service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-fileupload/tag/any/HOUSEKEEPER_SWEEP_AGE

Available values: String

  • <time_interval>

Default: 3d


ID_PROVIDER_CERT specifies the path and the file name of the certificate generated by the OIDC identity provider.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/ID_PROVIDER_CERT

Available values: String

  • <path_name>

Default: none


ID_PROVIDER_NAME specifies the name of the OIDC identity provider.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/ID_PROVIDER_NAME

The key is mandatory.

Available values: String

  • <id_provider_name> (For example, with Keycloak, it is a complete URL: https://<hostname>:32769/auth/realms/SEAL)

Default: none


INFOSERVER_URL specifies the URL of PLOSSYS Infoserver.

The key is available for the node-p4rest service.

The key is specified as system variable when installing the REST package in the PLOSSYS netdome system.

Available values: String

  • <infoserver_url>

Default: socket://localhost:7125


JWT_USERNAME specifies the user name set in the JSON Web Token (JWT). JWT_USERNAME specifies the user name in the current output job.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 and the seal-operator-p5 services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/JWT_USERNAME
  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p5/tag/any/JWT_USERNAME

Available values: String

  • <user_name>

Default: sub


LISTITEM_NAME specifies the name of the property used as a list item name.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/LISTITEM_NAME

Available values: String

  • <property>



LOG_LEVEL specifies the log level for the correspondent service. Messages that correspond to this log level or a higher one are written to the log file.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/LOG_LEVEL for all services
  • dc/home/env/service/<service>/tag/any/LOG_LEVEL for the specific <service> service

Available values: String

  • debug

    Debug messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • info

    Information messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • warn

    Warnings are written to the log file of the service.

  • error

    Error messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • fatal

    Messages about serious errors are written to the log file of the service.

Default: info

Example - log level error

Messages of the log levels error and fatal are written to the log file.

Example - log level info

Messages of the log levels info, warn, error and fatal are written to the log file.


MESSAGE_TIMOUT specifies the time interval after that the messages will be deleted.

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/MESSAGE_TIMOUT

Available values: String

  • <time_interval>

Default: 1h


MESSAGE_TTL specifies how long the messages will be stored.

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/MESSAGE_TTL

Available values: String

  • <time_interval>

Default: 24h


MONGO_CONNECT_RETRIES specifies how often the service attempts to connect to the database.

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/MONGO_CONNECT_RETRIES

Available values: Integer

  • <retries>

Default: 10


MONGO_FILEUPLOAD_URL specifies the URL of the MongoDB for file uploads into My Documents.

The key is available for the seal-operator-fileupload service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-fileupload/tag/any/MONGO_FILEUPLOAD_URL

Available values: String

  • <fileupload_url>

Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/operator-fileupload


MONGO_SERVER_URL specifies the URL of the MongoDB.

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/MONGO_SERVER_URL

Available values: String

  • <mongodb_url>

Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/operator-server


MONGO_TOKEN specifies the key for credential encryption and decryption.

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

MONGO_TOKEN is only used when CS_TYPE is set to mongo.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/MONGO_TOKEN

Available values: String

  • <token>

Default: not revealed


NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED specifies if self-signed certificates are allowed.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED

Available values: Integer

  • 0

    Self-signed certificates are allowed.

  • 1

    Self-signed certificates are not allowed.

Default: 1

Caution - security gap

Setting NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED to 0 in a productive system is a serious security gap! Only use it for test purposes!


ONLINE_DOCS_URL specifies the URL pointing to the external online documentation.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/ONLINE_DOCS_URL

Available values: String

  • <docs_url>

Default: ``


OPERATOR_UI_PORT specifies the port for accessing the seal-operator-ui service.

The key is available for the seal-operator-ui service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-ui/tag/any/OPERATOR_UI_PORT

Available values: String

  • <port_number>

Default: 3000


OPERATOR_SERVER_SERVICE specifies the name of the operator-server service as it is registered in Consul.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 and the seal-operator-p5 services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/OPERATOR_SERVER_SERVICE
  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p5/tag/any/OPERATOR_SERVER_SERVICE

Available values: String

  • <operator_name>

Default: operator-server


PGHOST specifies the server name of the PLOSSYS netdome PostgreSQL database used for the job reply.

The key is available for the node-p4rest service.

The key is specified as system variable when installing the REST package in the PLOSSYS netdome system.

Available values: String

  • <plossys_netdome_server_name>

Default: localhost


PGPORT specifies the port number of the PLOSSYS netdome PostgreSQL database used for the job reply.

The key is available for the node-p4rest service.

The key is specified as system variable when installing the REST package in the PLOSSYS netdome system.

Available values: String

  • <plossys_netdome_port>

Default: 7128


PLOSSYS_IPP_URL specifies the URL of the checkin service of the PLOSSYS 5 system.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p5 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p5/tag/any/PLOSSYS_IPP_URL

Available values: String

  • <ipp_checkin_url>

Default: ipp://localhost:631


PLOSSYS_TIMEOUT specifies the timeout for connecting and retrieving data from a PLOSSYS netdome system. The minimum value is two seconds.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/PLOSSYS_TIMEOUT

Available values: String

  • <time_interval>

Default: 10s


PLOSSYS_URL specifies the URL of the PLOSSYS netdome system to which SEAL Operator has to connect.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/PLOSSYS_URL

Available values: String

  • <plossys_netdome_url>

Default: https://localhost:3011


PLSHOST specifies the server name of PLOSSYS Infoserver.

The key is available for the node-p4rest service.

The key is specified as system variable when installing the REST package in the PLOSSYS netdome system.

Available values: String

  • <infoserver_server_name>

Default: localhost


PLSPORT specifies the port number of PLOSSYS Infoserver.

The key is available for the node-p4rest service.

The key is specified as system variable when installing the REST package in the PLOSSYS netdome system.

Available values: String

  • <infoserver_port>

Default: 7125


PLSROOT specifies the PLOSSYS netdome installation directory.

The key is available for the node-p4rest service.

The key is specified as system variable when installing the REST package in the PLOSSYS netdome system.

Available values: String

  • <plossys_netdome_dir>

Default: c:\SEAL\applications


RLI_JOBNAME_KEY contains the name of a key in repro list files whose value is used as job name in SEAL Print Client. Unless the specified key exists in the repro list file, PLS_PLOTID, PLS_ORIG_NAME and a self-generated UUID are used in this order.

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/RLI_JOBNAME_KEY

Available values: String

  • <rli_key>

Default: name


RLIGATE specifies the name of the target directory for the repro list files (rli, rlist) without path. The correspondent path is determined from the PLOSSYS netdome environment.

The key is available for the node-p4rest service.

The key is specified as system variable when installing the REST package in the PLOSSYS netdome system.

Available values: String

  • <gate_name>

Default: rlipdmgate


SAP_URL specifies the URL for the SAP system.

The key is available for the seal-operator-sap service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-sap/tag/any/SAP_URL

Available values: String

  • <sap_url>

Default: none


SERVICE_DISCOVERY specifies if SEAL Operator is running in a cloud environment or on premise.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/SERVICE_DISCOVERY

Available values: String

  • cloud

    SEAL Operator is running in a cloud environment.

  • consul

    SEAL Operator is running on premise.

Default: consul


SERVICE_DISCOVERY_PORT specifed the HTTPS port under which all services are available in a cloud environment.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/SERVICE_DISCOVERY_PORT

Available values: Integer

  • <port>

Default: 3000


SERVICE_URL specifies how a service can be accessed.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/<service>/tag/any/SERVICE_URL for the specific <service> service

Available values: String

  • <url>

Default: https://localhost:<service_port>

Hint - port list

Default: The server name is determined when a service is started and the default port is used. The correspondent assignment is described in Used Ports.


STAMP_META specifies if stamps are also applied to additional sheets, such as cover or trailer sheets.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/STAMP_META

Available values: Boolean

Default: N


TARGET_CONTENT_TYPE specifies the PLOSSYS netdome-specific job format.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/TARGET_CONTENT_TYPE

Available values: String

  • application/rli

    For creating a repro list

  • application/json

    For creating a set collation

Default: application/json


TARGET_FILE_KEY specifies the key where to put the names of local files (i. e. the files stored in SEAL Print Client My Documents) when exporting to a repro list.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/TARGET_FILE_KEY

Available values: String

  • <plossys_key>



TASK_TIMEOUT specifies the time interval after which the seal-operator-server service looks for finished tasks to be deleted.

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/TASK_TIMEOUT

Available values: string

  • <time_interval>

Default: 1h


TASK_TTL specifies the time interval after which a finished task (i. e. a task with the completed, aborted or failed status) will be deleted by the seal-operator-server service.

The key is available for the seal-operator-server service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/TASK_TTL

Available values: String

  • <time_interval>

Default: 24h


TLS_DIR specifies the directory containing the certificate files necessary for the secure transfer between the clients and servers and within SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/TLS_DIR

Available values: String

  • <dir_name>

The directory contains the following files:

  • key.pem

    File containing the private key

  • cert.pem

    File containing the certificate

  • ca.pem (optional)

    File containing the CA certificate

Default: none

Hint - certificate files contained in delivery

The self-signed certificates contained in delivery are hard-coded. The tls directories contained in delivery only contain examples which certificate files are required and how they look like.

Caution - security gap

Using the pre-installed self-signed certificate in a productive system is a serious security gap!


TRUSTED_CLIENT specifies the client name configured in the OIDC identity provider for granting access via access token.

The key is available for the seal-operator-fileupload and the seal-operator-server services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-fileupload/tag/any/TRUSTED_CLIENT
  • dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/TRUSTED_CLIENT

Available values: String

  • <client_name>

Default: operator


USER_NAME_KEY specifies the key where to put the name of the logged-in user when exporting to a repro list. By default, no user is set in a repro list passed to PLOSSYS netdome. If you want the name of the logged-in user to be set in the repro list, specify the repro list key where to put the user name (e. g. PLS_USERNAME). The user name will then be set regardless of an already existent user name in the repro list.

The key is available for the seal-operator-p4 service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/operator-p4/tag/any/USER_NAME_KEY

Available values: String

  • <plossys_key>

Default: none

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